Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's a girl's weekend!

We're off to a tea party!

This last weekend was both fun and trying. We didn't have any water running into the house from last Wednesday morning until Sunday afternoon. We had to haul water from our parent's house to fill the tanks on our toilets in order to flush them. We heated up water on the stove to wash any dirty dishes and Les and Connie offered to do some of our laundry at their house. It was a definately a test of our character, attitude and creativity. It is now Tuesday and $2000 later, our water problem is worse than before they started and we have a bonus pile of muck in our front yard that was pumped out of our well. Oh, well...

The "fun" part of the weekend was that it was just us girls (and Nathan) because the boys went on a camping trip from Friday morning until Sunday evening. Other than the problems with the water, I tried to make it a treat for the girls. We watched "girly" princess movies with popcorn every night. We also had a dress-up tea party to go to. This was our second year going and it was lots of fun. We join a bunch of other little girls and moms for tea and fancy cookies and snacks. Many of the moms and daughters dressed up in old fashioned "tea party" dresses and hats. Maybe next year for us...

Gracie and Nathan (our little prince)

Some of the moms and daughters that dressed up.

The post party:

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