Saturday, October 31, 2009

For real???

Paul and the three older boys headed about 3 hours south to a Father/Son camp. Hopefully, they are having a lot of fun despite the two days of down-pouring...

It has been funny that everytime they leave to go camping and just the girls are left to fend for themselves, something happens. Last spring, our property flooded out and 30 of our chickens drown and our fences were washed down, so we spent the week fixing and cleaning. A year ago, when they were at last year's Father/Son camp, our well went out and we had to haul water from other houses to even flush the toilets.... So, this time, I was actually expecting something...

Well, I wasn't disappointed. For the past 2 weeks or so, our mini-van has been running with the service engine light on. It would sputter every time I started it, but after driving for 15 seconds or so, it would run normal. Let me reiterate, it was running like that for over 2 WEEKS. This is nothing new. But, hey, my car decided to wait until my dear husband was gone to give me trouble. Yesterday, the "low coolant" light came on. Fine, I can handle that. I found an automotive store and they fixed me up with the right stuff and even filled it for me. They tried to check why the service engine light was on, but my car wouldn't talk to his little machine for some reason. So, today, the girls and I had a tea party to attend in Dwight (about an hour south). I think I may have been asking for trouble by driving that far, but, again, it's been running this way for a while... Needless to say, I got about 15 miles from my friend's house on I-55 and it died. It was actually still running, but the gas pedal wouldn't work anymore, so it just coasted to a stop on the side of the highway. I grabbed my cell to call someone, and because I had spent the last 2 nights at a friend's house, I had forgot to charge it. It was kind of laughing as it flashed "low battery" at me. I quickly called a friend and told her the situation in about 15 seconds before it went dead. In that time, she managed to get enough info to borrow a van and head out to pick me up. She had to borrow a van because, silly me, I agreed to carpool a different friend's 4 daughters along with my 3 kids. My mini-van was packed to capacity, so we needed a large vehicle to take us anywhere... I managed to revive my phone long enough to scare my dad out of his wits and leave him wondering what kind of danger I was in.

Ok, so, we did make it to the tea party. A tow-truck was called and my van is sitting at a service station in Dwight. I took every scrap of personal information out of it in case someone wanted to steal my identity, but completely forgot my garage door opener. Duh. We hitched a ride home (minus the friend's 4 daughters) and will NOT be going anywhere until my hubby gets home.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Metro Open House

We went to Paul's work on Saturday for their annual Open House. The have it every October for the employees to show thier family and friends thier workplace. They do several things throughout the year to show appreciation to their workers. The kids love going to the Open House. It is heavily geared for the kids fun. This year was no different. The kids get their faces painted, get goodie-bags, jump in a big jumpy thing, play games, and we ALL play BINGO with lots of fun prizes for everyone.

Gracie managed to conquer her fear of clowns and let Skiddles paint her face this year. Ellie, on the other hand, still has glitter stuck in her hair from all of the decoration on her face. I tried to talk her into getting a pretty princess thing on her face to match her outfit, but after seeing Noah get his tiger, she was convinced that "the more paint, the better". At least it was a pink tiger...

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

We made it through teething!

See this expression? That is the continual look Nathan has given me for the past week. It's been intersperced with a crabby, cranky, "I'm in pain" sort of whine. I don't know if he's even cracked a smile once...

I have had five kids all go through teething before him without so much as a flinch. I ususally knew they were popping teeth because they had a shiny new one poking through their gums. Nathan has been higher maintainance from birth and is not dissappointing me now. (Alright, Jenny, he's not NEARLY as high maintainance as your baby boy.... Now HE'S high maintainance...) But for my family, Nathan wins the medal. Nathan has obliged all of the Pediatric manuels by covering every possible symptom of teething... fever, slobbering, runny nose, crabby, sleeplessness, lack of appetite, crying, whining, messy diapers and swollen, black and blue gums. That's right, people, BLACK AND BLUE! No wonder he's been so cranky. The poor guy was in PAIN! After a few days of fever and incessant crying, I spotted his gums while changing him. It looked like half of a blueish marble stuck on his gums. It was huge. After asking my ever reliable sister and all natural friend what it could be, (Both were perplexed and attributed it to teething), I called my dentist. The receptionist hadn't heard of it, but suggested that I wait it out and if it is still there in DECEMBER??!! (when we have our cleanings scheduled) then I should bring him in to have it looked at. If I didn't like her so much, I'd tell how dumb that idea was... Next, called the pediatrician. (I just wanted to know if it was normal and not some symptom of step, or something that qualifies for the ER). They asked if he's had other symptoms of teething. Yep, fever, nasty diapers, lack of sleeping, ect. "Probably teething, then." Sure, but can't those be symptoms of life threatening illnesses, too??

Relief finally came yesterday when the little white notches of his first molar were seen through the little guys sore gums!! Hip, hip, hooray! ...The bad news is, there is a repeat starting on the other side...
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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Civil War Days

On Saturday, we went to a Civil War Re-enactment at Dollinger's Farm. It was the kind of fun hands-on homeschooling that we like best. We haven't studied the Civil War yet, so everything was new to the kids. Actually, it was new to Paul and I, too. For all that I learned in school, I really don't remember alot of it. Maybe because it wasn't very interesting at the time, maybe because it was a little blurp in my history book, maybe because I just used my short term memory to pass the tests... It seems like the public school system makes memorizing names and dates the important part (which it is important), but misses giving children a grasp on the whole picture. The why's and the how's. The deeper meanings of war... What would make people give their lives to free slave men? There was a broader ideal of how our Creator endowed each person, regardless of skin color, with inalienable rights. People fought a war and gave their lives while standing on this truth... "There is no greater love than this, that a man lay his life down for his friend." Now, that's some deep schooling.
The boys really enjoyed watching the battle which ended that day's fighting with a truce between the Confederates and the Yanks. In fact, they liked it so much, they went again today to watch the continuation of the battle.
One of Paul's co-workers played an artillery soldier in the re-enactment. We got a quick tour of the Yankee camp and got to check out this working cannon that is an original from the Civil War.
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nathan's started walking (and climbing some more)

My little baby boy started walking last week! I love when they first start walking and they have their little fists straight up in the air trying to keep their balance. He's so proud of himself! And having a houseful to cheer him on doesn't hurt his ego either...

He's loving to flush the toilet and unroll the toilet paper and he's getting himself into some curious places...

I did NOT put him here, he opened the drawer and climbed in himself.

Nathan is Gracie's partner-in-crime...

Speaking of Gracie, my sweet little angel-faced baby girl... she's been mrs. sticky-fingers lately when it comes to candy. I have a stash of candy in my dresser drawer that is probably 2 years old and Gracie has found it. A few days ago, I found her with about 6 fun-dips stuck under her pillow with a pair of scissors to open them at a later time. I put them back and explained to her in my mommy voice that it was not OK to take things that aren't hers and told her not to do it again. "OK, mommy"- famous last words... and so at naptime the next day, as I came up to tuck her in, she was looking VERY guilty. Yep, the same candy was stuck under her pillow again along with the same pair of scissors. I did the same routine and tried to convince her that it was not in her best interest to take things from other people. Did you ever try to reason with a 3-year-old? In her mind, I'm sure it went something like this... "if I can just endure mommy's speech for a bit longer, I can sneak back into her room and grab them and maybe I can just be a little faster about getting them open this time..."

So, the third offense was when she was supposed to be sitting on her bed for her bad attitude and refusal to apologize to her friend. She obviously snuck out of bed and made it back, but the wrappers were still unopened. By now, most parents would just throw the candy away to be sure she can't get them again, but I know by now after 4 kids who were all this age, that it would be defeating my purpose (to train her to obey and use her self-control). One thing that I have learned during parenting is that the "cat" has to be smarter than the "mouse" (or at least more creative). So, I set my mousetraps. Yeah, that's right REAL mousetraps... strategically set up around the candy in the drawer. It wasn't so much to hurt her, but just scare her from going in the drawer. I was actually hoping it wouldn't catch her fingers, but things don't always work as I planned. In fact, the next morning Caleb was the one to find the candy under her pillow once again. I was dumbfounded! How did she get the candy?? I checked the drawer and both of the mousetraps were still set! I couldn't believe she'd be that careful just to get candy that she wasn't even going to open... I can't even set the things without them going off on my own fingers... I wanted to see how she did it, so I had her put the candy back herself just to see, and she did. She reached right over the traps as if they weren't there and put the candy back!!

For the past week and all through this incident, Grace has had a progressively bad (and getting worse) attitude. This was not really a candy issue, but a "are you really going to make me obey you?" attitude and it manifested itself in taking the candy. I believe I have found the solution. She hasn't touched the candy for the last day and a half and has a GREAT attitude!! I will try to explain in a future blog, but for now, I have to cook dinner :) ta, ta, for now!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

The big 3-8

That's right, Paul turned 38 last weekend!! Although he looks much younger sporting his new laptop backpack...
I love you, Paul. Thanks for sharing the last 11 and a half years of your life with me!!
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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cousin Levi's birthday

Levi, Paul's nephew, had his first birthday party yesterday!! We really enjoy getting together with the family and seeing the babies together. We, once again, took their "look how they've grown" pic. Grandma and Grandpa bought them matching outfits just for the picture. Each on is very mobile now, so it's getting harder to get them so sit still for pictures together.
Levi, Jay and Nathan

Grandma Connie, Grandpa Les
Jay, Levi and Nathan

Grandma and Grandpa with all of the grandkids.
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