Thursday, October 22, 2009

We made it through teething!

See this expression? That is the continual look Nathan has given me for the past week. It's been intersperced with a crabby, cranky, "I'm in pain" sort of whine. I don't know if he's even cracked a smile once...

I have had five kids all go through teething before him without so much as a flinch. I ususally knew they were popping teeth because they had a shiny new one poking through their gums. Nathan has been higher maintainance from birth and is not dissappointing me now. (Alright, Jenny, he's not NEARLY as high maintainance as your baby boy.... Now HE'S high maintainance...) But for my family, Nathan wins the medal. Nathan has obliged all of the Pediatric manuels by covering every possible symptom of teething... fever, slobbering, runny nose, crabby, sleeplessness, lack of appetite, crying, whining, messy diapers and swollen, black and blue gums. That's right, people, BLACK AND BLUE! No wonder he's been so cranky. The poor guy was in PAIN! After a few days of fever and incessant crying, I spotted his gums while changing him. It looked like half of a blueish marble stuck on his gums. It was huge. After asking my ever reliable sister and all natural friend what it could be, (Both were perplexed and attributed it to teething), I called my dentist. The receptionist hadn't heard of it, but suggested that I wait it out and if it is still there in DECEMBER??!! (when we have our cleanings scheduled) then I should bring him in to have it looked at. If I didn't like her so much, I'd tell how dumb that idea was... Next, called the pediatrician. (I just wanted to know if it was normal and not some symptom of step, or something that qualifies for the ER). They asked if he's had other symptoms of teething. Yep, fever, nasty diapers, lack of sleeping, ect. "Probably teething, then." Sure, but can't those be symptoms of life threatening illnesses, too??

Relief finally came yesterday when the little white notches of his first molar were seen through the little guys sore gums!! Hip, hip, hooray! ...The bad news is, there is a repeat starting on the other side...
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1 comment:

  1. Glad you are surviving! Maybe we should get Nathan and Levi together to hang out :)
