Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gracie's 4th Birthday!!

My baby girl is growing up and is not so much of a baby anymore. She still loves to snuggle, but Gracie's growing out of that cute chubby-legged and plumpy-faced toddler stage. She's even started to decide how she wants her hair cut, much to my dismay. Recently, she's decided she wants to grow her bangs out (like her sister). Little Gracie has inherited her momma's forehead, so I prefer her with bangs, but if she promised to wear a barrette to hold them out of her face, she could grow them out. Well, that lasted almost a month. Between the time that the grandma's and grandpa's came over for her birthday on Sunday, and her actual birthday on Thursday, she decided that she didn't like the hair hanging in her face and wanted me to cut them. Awwww, bummer (can you sense the sarcasm?) You can see the difference in the pictures. I'm lovin' the bangs.

Gracie and her new doll (she's been asking for one ever since Ellie got her's in February).
Gracie got to stay overnight at Grandma Connie's and went mini-golfing and who know what other fun stuff... On the way home after picking her up, I asked Grace if she missed me and she said, "No, I miss Grandma." Gotta love her honesty :P
Grace picked out her birthday breakfast... chocolate chip pancakes with NO syrup. Why no syrup?? I have no idea. It's certainly not because she's gone on a health streak, because for dinner she chose to have cereal. We didn't have any in the house, so I had to stop at the store and let her pick a couple boxes out. I'm not sure if she could've picked out a cereal more full of sugar and food coloring... Fruit Loops! I just kept telling myself, "It's Grace's birthday, and it's only one day. There are kids who live on this stuff for breakfast, and they're still alive..." (Yeah, I know I have issues.)

We met daddy at a park for lunch on her actual birthday (as is tradition) and brought cupcakes and icing that we decorated on the spot (being that we had to grab them from the oven and run). We also brought bikes, rollerblades and a stroller for cruising around the pond at the park. It was a beautiful day and Gracie had fun being princess for a day.
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