Monday, June 21, 2010

Lemonade anyone?

Last week, Noah had the brainy idea to have a garage sale. Of course, I had no interest in trying find stuff to sell or draw people to our house on the outskirts of town, so....
Noah convinced his brother and sisters to join him, and they took it upon themselves to make the signs (written in pen on colored paper that no one could possibly see while driving 50 miles/hour down our road). They found toys that they were willing to part with, set up a little yard sale, and held signs out by the road. I was actually thinking they looked kind of like little disgruntled workers that had decided to picket our house.
After an hour or so with nobody stopping, I suggested that maybe they'd do better selling lemonade. After all, it was HOT and sunny (and I have 6 kids willing to drink it if they had no takers). After they hauled all their toys back inside, I set them up with a comfy lemonade stand and some large signs.
They stood at the edges of our property holding up their signs and it didn't take long to get their first customer. By the end of an hour and a half, they had pocketed at least $10 (which is good for the amount of cars that travel on our road) AND had convinced some of the customers to come back the next day to buy cookies too. (Unfortunately, their Cookie and Lemonade Stand got rained out, but I'm sure they'll be hosting it another day.)
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