Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Birthday!!

Ahhhh, it's that time again... my birthday. "How old are you now? 29 and holding?" Naaaa, I've decided that this year was well used (in a good way), and I'm ready to start working on the next one. No problems here with rolling over another number on the dial... not this year, anyhow. Now, my dear hubby, who's turning 40 in October, has already mentioned his coming age several times in a negative light. It's not for 7 more months, but he's already focused on the coming "doomsday". Maybe that's one reason I don't feel any angst toward turning 34...

My actual birthday was on Sunday, so after going to church, we went out for lunch at Chile's (had a gift card and a coupon :). Then we headed home for some rest and time to celebrate with Paul and the kids. Paul had taken the kids shopping the day before (or earlier in the week... I can't figure out when) and they each had a present to give to me. Caleb and Seth had bought my presents with their very own money... Seth's gift was chocolate covered pretzels. He made sure to point out that they were "sugar free". He was showing me that he put thought into finding a gift that I would like. He was very "sweet". Caleb, on the other hand, went the full sugar route. I have always had a liking for those funky colored, fluffy "Peeps". You know, the little marshmallow birds coated with food-coloring and then rolled in sugar granules. Yep, those. He got me 34 of the little birds. (Which required him to open a package and eat one of them since they come in packs of 5). He also made sure to point out that he got the "light pink" and "light purple" ones because they have less food coloring. Whoo-hoo! Man, my brainwashing is paying off.

My favorite gifts from the kids are always the cards or notes that they make for me. Seth is much more prone to put the contents of his heart down on paper than he is to just spill it out of his mouth. I love it. Caleb also gave me a card that reminded me that I only get 23 hours of actual birthday because of the daylight savings time switch. Gotta love the practical mind.

I had been hinting to Paul about getting an iPod Touch for my birthday. Not really hinting... more like reminding him every chance I got... poor guy. :) He didn't let me down. He had been working on getting Wi-Fi set up the week before my birthday. I just figured it was for the laptop, since he knew I liked it better in the kitchen (and our Verizon reception is bad in the back of the house). Little did I know, his real reason was for the iTouch. Now, I can check my mail anywhere in the house. Yay! I also didn't realize how much fun the kids would have with it. I acutally have to use it when no one is looking, otherwise I feel like a meanie to keep saying, "No, it's mine. You can't use it." Noah has started asking me for jobs to earn money to save for his own iTouch. He's already saved $14 in the last week! As long as it doesn't burn a hole in his pocket, he'll have his wish before long...

Every year, my birthday seems to carry on for a few more days. My parents came over on Sunday night with a cake (yum). Monday, I went out with my mom, sister, brother and nieces for lunch, then Paul's parents brought over a full enchilada dinner (complete with yummy beans, rice and a giant cookie!) on Monday night. On Tuesday, I went to downtown Naperville with my girlfriends for our twice-yearly dinner out. What a fun birthday!!

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