Tuesday, June 7, 2011


The guys are back, but I have one more post before I blog about their oh, so awesome canoe trip...

This one's about ELLIE!

It took a good few days with the older boys away to realize how much Ellie is maturing. Because one of the older boys usually make pancakes (or some other breakfast food) in the morning, I didn't even consider that Ellie was old enough to start making them. I believe each of the kids started at 6 years old, or maybe even 5, but I completely forgot to teach my future replacement!! I showed her the "picture" recipe that has worked well for the boys, and how to read it, and she took to it like an old pro. I enjoyed seeing her excitement as she made them by herself for the first time!

I also had time to talk with her. Not just to her, but with her. She is quite the thinker and she picks up on things quickly. We had an enjoyable time together and I'm looking forward to having many girly talks with her throughout the years. She adds quite a bit of lovely (and much needed)femininity to the crowd! Love it!

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1 comment:

  1. Love it, Amy! I can almost smell those pancakes... Yumm! I envy the girlie time!

    We spent a lovely father's day kayaking on Friday night and going up to New Buffalo, MI to a gun club where they drive from "hole to hole" in golf carts and shoot at various clays on the individual ranges. Cool for the guys. I went off by myself (would have loved someone along to appreciate my fun) and meander through the little nearby town of Three Oaks. I really had a great time and will go back (dragging Ivan) to do more meandering. As long as I feel him, he's happy! ;) Missin' you! Pam
