Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Great America!!

Hooray for reading programs!! We've earned personal pizzas from Pizza Hut, baseball tickets, ice cream, other fun trinkets and for the second time... free Six Flags Great America tickets! This year, Ellie was in kindergarden, so she got to earn her tickets by being read to. And if the older boys read to her, they added it to their reading log too to kill two birds with one stone!
Great America has a reading program that they do through public schools, and one specific for homeschooling families. Through the homeschool program, Caleb, Seth, Noah, Ellie and I (with a teacher's ticket) all got in for free. Another family that we know did the same and we all went together in our big van and had a grand ol' time :)

On the day we went, it was thunderstorming in the morning and supposed to rain much of the morning around where we live, but the storm kinda went around Gurnee (where Great America is), so the lines for the rides were great! The kids would walk up to most of the rides, and instead of waiting for 30 minutes to an hour to ride, they got right on. If they liked the ride, they'd run around and get right back on! It didn't rain, but we had nice cloud cover most of the day. Great America was... well... Great!

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1 comment:

  1. So fun... I haven't been forever and from the sounds of it you ended up with the perfect day scaring off the crowds. - John
