Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Selah's 10 months

My adorable little girl is now 10 months old! She is STILL a sweet heart... a very mobile sweet heart. She started crawling a month or so ago and is buzzing all around the house with lightning speed. She does a funny crawl with one leg straight and the other bent under her. Grace crawled just like her. Even so, she's still fast. I'll walk from one room to another and turn around and she's right there! It's different to have a baby underfoot again.

Selah updates... She's learning the word 'no'. One example is when the kids chase her and pretend that their going to get her and tickle her. She crawls off as fast as her funny little crawl will take her while laughing histerically. It's cute to watch, but she's also decided that it's a fun game to play when mommy calls her. A couple times she's looked at me and if I looked like I was coming toward her, she'd turn around and take off the other way. Instead of chasing, I would just say "Selah, NO (in a firm voice). Come here (in a sweet voice)." It didn't take long for her to learn the difference between play time and mommy's instruction...

She has 6 teeth so far. Four upper and two lower with another one or two ready to pop in.

She points to me when she wants up, and can say "bye, bye", "da-da", "momma", and "pob" (I think she means potty). She also says a LOT of other things very seriously in her baby language. If only I could understand...

She's also recently started pulling herself to a stand. She'll pull herself up, but doesn't know how to let herself down yet...

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