Friday, July 19, 2013

Summer school- part 1

Ahhhhh, summer!  Even though school is "officially" not in session, as most homeschooling moms know, we never really stop teaching... and the kids don't put their brains on hold for the summer.  We get to do more of the "fun" teaching when we're not so focused on "book learning".  Yesterday was just one example...

After my midwife appointment (which is an hour away), we decided to make a day of it and went to Matthesien State Park near Utica, Il.  They have paths along a creek down in some Dells, and since it was in the 90's, (and I am 8 1/2 months pregnant), I figured it would be cooler and the kids could play in the water.  It felt so good...

The kids spent most of their time building a dam.  They searched for rocks and sticks in the water, and arranged them as to the best blockage of the small stream that leads from one pool of water to the next.  Then they filled in the crevices with sand and mud.  Although they couldn't get the water to completely stop, I did notice that the pool of water on the upper side had risen an inch or two.  Well done, kids!

While the bigger kids worked on perfecting their dam, the younger ones enjoyed playing in the cool water, tried their best to catch the minnows swimming around the edges, and found a little, tiny baby frog.  I don't remember ever seeing a frog that small.  I thought it looked like a big bug, until I looked closer...

After a couple hours of fun in the water, we hiked back up the hundreds of stairs (literally) to get to the car.  Although my calves are going to hate me tomorrow, all in all, it was a day well taught...  ;)

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