Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Nathan had his first Christmas this year, along with his cousin Levi. All of the kids had a great time! We did our own gifting a little different this year on Christmas morning... All of the kids, along with Paul and I, each got one present for eachother. So, we each got 7 presents (along with stockings) and each present was from a different person (I still bought the gifts from the smaller kids) When we sorted the presents, instead of making a pile with gifts TO a person, we made a pile of the gifts that each person was going to give away. Then, we took turns personally handing out a gift from our pile to the person it belongs. We figured that way, the kids would be able to connect the present with who gave it too them and the giver would have a part in the actual giving process. I think it worked out really well. And the bonus is that eventually, (because we have a larger family), Paul and I will each give one thoughtful present to each person, but the amount of gifts they get won't change!

We did have tons of fun with the families! I love getting together with everyone! Here's a mix of pics from Christmas Eve at my brother Mark's house with the Pemble's, our house on Christmas morn, and Grandpa and Grandma Larson's on Christmas Day...

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