Sunday, December 21, 2008

Nathan 3 months

Nathan's just getting old enough to sit happily in his Bumbo! He is such a serious boy. This is only the second time we caught him smiling long enough to get a picture. He will carry on a very serious conversation with you in baby language, but it takes a little doin' to get him to grin. A friend of mine that had a baby 2 days after Nathan was telling me that her baby was doing that deep belly laugh already, so I have been trying my best to get a laugh from little Nathan to no avail. He's alot like Caleb in that respect. Caleb was the more serious type who was hesitant to smile. It's funny how they have their personality already stitched in them from birth. Nathan is definately a busy-body, though. He loves to be up and looking around. If you cradle him in your arms where he can't see, he'll let you know that he does not like it. He also likes to have my attention. If he is near me and in his mood to talk, and I am not paying attention to him, he'll cry until I turn to him and start talking. Then he'll talk to me and voice his frustration at my lack of attention.
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