Sunday, March 8, 2009

Here chickie, chickie...

We got our baby chicks yesterday! We ordered 50 laying birds and 50 meat birds, for a total of 100!! chicks (plus a couple extras that they throw in just in case any die in route, which none did this time). Unpacking the box is a fun part of getting the chicks. Each one that we take out has to have his/her beak dipped in water (don't completely know why, but I think it has something to do with the stress of the long shipment and to be sure they can find the water when they need it). The kids take them out of the box one at a time so we can count and "dip" them, but, as we have a few times before, we lost count (this time at around 60). Because it is nearly impossible to count moving chickens, we probably won't get them counted again until we take half of them to the meat locker, and I don't know if we'll ever successfully count the layers... (and to be honest, it really doesn't matter)

I do enjoy this time of year when I start getting glimpses of jacket weather, and realize that any snow that falls now will not be around long. It is exciting to experience and see new life "spring" out of the long and cold days of winter and it gives faith that warm weather really is on its way.

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