Nathan turned 6 months old this month! The poor little guy has yet to go in for his 6 month photo at the studio... in fact, he has yet to get ANY professional photo taken (yeah, yeah, I know, shame on me), but that hasn't seemed to inhibit his ability to be too stinkin' cute. He's sitting up quite well and likes to chatter. Paul is convinced that he's saying "da da" to him already (I'm pretty sure that it's just baby rambles, but we'll keep that our little secret) Nathan is also a total busy-body. He's always wiggling and bouncing, and he does not like to be out of the action for more than a few minutes. He refuses to fall asleep in my arms anymore, but does love to be held so he can get a better view of the action.
This month, he took his first swing ride, and loved it.
I believe his first food was pears... how pathetic is that... MUCH different than all of the other kids' first spoon-feeding incidents. He has taken to it quite well in the last couple weeks with apples, blueberries, grapes, bananas and whatever else I have on hand to throw in it. He's now starting to get excited when he sees it coming. Still no teeth yet, but I'm sure they're on their way. So, that's the Nathan update... until next time...
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