Saturday, April 4, 2009

Red Envelope Day

Late last month, we, along with thousands,maybe millions, of other people, sent out red envelopes as a pro-life/anti-abortion message to President Obama in hopes that he will reconsider signing FOCA into law. FOCA (Freedom Of Choice Act) not only allows abortions at ALL stages of pregnancy, with ANY age girl or woman and without ANY parental notice, it uses MY and YOUR tax money to do it. President Obama also is against any form of "Born Alive" protection. That is to say, if a doctor doesn't get the job of killing the baby done and it is alive when it is born, they will do nothing to save or protect it. Millions of empty Red Evelopes were sent with a message on the back that said something like "This evelope is empty because it represents one of the millions of lives that were taken by abortion." We added "Please choose life". We hope and pray that this will make an impact, but even if it doesn't, we know that we are being proactive, and in a way are saying that though we have no choice but to pay taxes, we do not support what is being done with them. (Which leads me to recommend supporting your local TEA (Taxed Enough Already)Party Day Rallies that are being held across the country on April 15th at Noon. More info to come...)

Earlier this year, Caleb had learned how to make envelope, which worked out great. We just used red construction paper, a little glue, and voila... a great family project.

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