Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nathan's "professional" pictures

Yes, my conscience was getting to me, so I took Nathan in to get professional pictures taken at JCPenney's just after he turned 6 months old. My hubby "helped" me realize that I really SHOULD take him in to get professional photos, especially since all of the others had them taken almost monthly in their first year. Now, let me explain that I did take him to get 3 month pics taken in December. Even though I had an appointment, the wait around Christmas-time was much longer than I could deal with, so I left. Well, I made the appointment for his 6 month photo at Penney's once again, and went in with high hopes. Unfortunately, this time was about 2 weeks before Easter, and after 30 minutes of waiting, I realized that they were still photographing the same kids as when I got there (and I was like 4th in line). Seriously, I have no desire to sit and wait, and all the while I'm thinking that I should've dressed him in something cuter and I could just as easily take the pictures at home, so... I left... again.
I'm not sure if it's obvious or not, but these are NOT professional pictures. We took them at home on our porch. Either way, he's still my adorable baby, professional or not.
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