Thursday, May 14, 2009

Brotherly Love

Seth is an excellent big brother. In fact, all of the kids adore and dote on their baby brother. When I would watch families that had older and younger kids, I would notice how whenever the baby of the family did anything out of the ordinary, they whole family would take notice and "ooooh and ahhhhh" about it. Of course, with our babies being so close together, there was much more chance of the bigger siblings saying something like, "well, watch me, I can do it better". But I can officially say, we have crossed that line. Nathan started crawling this week, and as he was going from one side of the living room rug to the other, we all just sat watching and cheering him on. (Until he would reach the other side and someone would say, "Turn him around, let's see if he'll do it again!")

It would be normal to think that in a family of six kids, that the baby would get stuck in the corner and not get much attention. Actually, the opposite seems to be true, at least in our family. Though Nathan may not get all of my undivided attention, he sure doesn't lack in love and attention from the entire family. Someone is always around to play with, cuddle (as much as he'll let you), and entertain him.

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