Monday, June 15, 2009

Farm update

Well, our place is just about back to normal after the flash flood. The laying hens are laying again, the fences are looking good and the well pump is back up to "normal" pressure. The computer is still a bit temperamental, but what's new with those finicky things anyhow??

We are starting to get fruits and veggies from our garden!! Yeah!!
Gracie has a basketful of strawberries, lettuce and asparagus...

Though we didn't grow it, we had our first good tasting watermelon of the season!! We LOVE watermelon season and it seems that even though the store are stocked with them all winter, the good tasting ones can only be found in the prime of summer... Yum!

Nathan, my 9-month-old is crawling all over the place. He used to stay put in one room for fear of what is lurking beyond, but now, he ventures into whatever room he pleases. He has not attempted the stairs yet... thankfully, but I'm sure it's soon to come. All of my kids have had a "grass phobia" when they were first introduced to it, but Nathan seems to use it as a lush playground. He also like to eat dirt. I'm not sure if he is actually eating the dirt from my garden, or trying to pick up things to put in his mouth and getting a handful of it as a bonus. Aside from the dirt, he's getting most of his nutrition from real food. He eats just about any food that he sees us eating. And if he doesn't get a taste of it, he will be sure to let you know. He has become quite the connoisseur. He has even taken a liking to guacamole, but the crushed, raw garlic gives the poor guy a nasty diaper rash, so we've been sticking to plain advocados.

And, although "tad" and "pole" had to take a ride down the porceline grave (which was very dissapointing because "pole" was just starting to sprout his back legs), they've been replaced by Buzzer the pet fly. Yes, thanks to Aunt Dawn, Seth has a housefly on a dental floss leash. Auntie told the boys that if you put a bug in the freezer, they will sort of "go to sleep" and you can tie a string around their neck and they will wake up and be your pet. Well, Seth left Buzzer in the freezer overnight (which I think may be a bit too long) and we are still waiting for him to wake up. Seth made sure that he wouldn't get away though by removing one of his wings. "That way, he'll just fly in a circle". I have a feeling Buzzer will never buzz again. Ahhh, well, another bug, another day...
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