Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our first trip to the ER!!

Not even 2 hours into visiting with family at the reunion, we had to leave for the nearest hospital. The kids had just eaten lunch and were out swimming with everyone in the resort pool. The kiddie pool is lined with square-cut rocks around the edges with a rock island in the middle (what brainiac thought of that one???). I missed out on the action, but the way I heard it was that the kids were jumping off the island in the middle of the pool and as Ellie jumped, she smacked her head on one of the rocks. Next thing I know, Paul comes rushing into the room with Ellie in his arms for me to look at...

...And off we go to the ER for stitches. It was a deep cut, but thankfully it was clean and straight, so they could just use "superglue" to paste her back together. What I've alway heard about the ER is true... they are incredibly sloooow. Being that it was our first trip as a family and a first for myself too, I found their methods quite interesting. For instance, the nurse took us in right away to evaluate the wound, but what I didn't know was that they were really evaluating whether or not she'd be able to sit in their carpeted office without bleeding all over the floor while they took our insurance information. As I'm sitting in the office with Ellie on my lap (wet from swimming and holding napkins on her head to stop the bleeding) I thought, "Wow, what if you came in with your guts hanging out? Would they get your insurance info before or after they worked on you?" Perplexed, I asked the lady at the desk and she assured me they wouldn't let you die in the office. They would work on you first (if they had to). Finally they took us into the real Emergency Room and glued her back together. Topped with a few strips of tape, she looked almost as good as new. The lucky girl got her fill of treats after the whole ordeal. The first thing Ellie did when she got back was to tell Grace about her ice cream, sucker and gum. Gracie came to me and said, "next time when I cut my head and have to go, then I can get ice cream and stuff too, right?" "Yep, that's right Grace."

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