Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A homemade Christmas...

Well, we did it! My goal this year was to have a completely home-made (or hand-me-down) Christmas and we made it! Our family made it through the entire Christmas season without purchasing one single "store-bought" gift (although Micheal's and Hobby Lobby got their fair share of business from us). Our idea was not born from an urge to be stingy (home-made things are NOT cheap, believe me) but a desire to make something more of Christmas. From the idea that there should be more thought in the gifting than just picking from a list. I enjoyed the challenge (for the most part) and though it was a crazy, busy December, it turned out to be very memorable. Another benefit was creating an attitude of thankfulness in my kids. Since they thinking of and making things for others, they (hopefully) were getting a greater appreciation for the thought that goes into the gifts given to them.
Now, having accomplished a completely "home-made" Christmas, I'm not sure we'll extreeme it again next year, but I do believe bits of this Christmas will find it's way into our future Christmas'. In fact, I'm already thinking of fun gifts for next year... if I can only remember them until then...
Here's some of the gifts...

For the guys in the family, we made Gourmet Candy Bags full of fudge, caramels, the world's best toffee and candied nuts...Yum!

Caleb made me a cedar video shelf to fit next to our new (to us) TV. We had to get rid of our entertainment center since our TV wouldn't fit, but had no place to put all of the videos that were once hidden behind closed doors... Problem solved!! Thanks Caleb!

We made Nathan (and his cousins Levi and Jay) an adorable turtle seat that folds down into a step-stool. We all love it! Caleb knitted a Nathan a hat that matches his Osh Kosh coat, and Seth cut out a wooden truck on the scroll saw for him (we ran out of time to add tires, but he liked it just the same =)

Caleb made wooden shotguns for Noah and Seth complete with sights. All of the boys can handle the scroll saw well, so Daddy just needed to help put it together. I didn't see this project until Christmas day... needless to say, I was very impressed!

Noah, in an attempt to gain control over his brothers, fittingly made them wooden handcuffs. Caleb and Seth are sporting the criminal look while Noah uses his new gun to take advantage of the situation...

Noah made me this very, very cool gardening tool. He found a beat-up metal tool while roaming through the brush near our yard, brought it home and Daddy helped him paint it, bought a handle for it, and voila!! A new garden spade! Awesome creativity Daddy and Noah!

One of my favorite projects was these rag dolls that I made for the girls. I just love them... and so do they (thankfully! that hair took alot of work). I made them each a dress that matches their dolly's dress! Kinda old fashioned, but it's right up my ally!!

My other pet project was to make "ready packs" for each of the kids. They are original backpacks that hold all their goodies so we can just grab and go and be ready for any inconvenience. I stocked each one with a notebook, pen, something to color with, a deck of cards or small game, gloves, bandaids, herbal salve, lip balm, gum and whatever else I could find that may be useful. I am happy to report that the kids REALLY like their ready-packs. I wasn't sure how they would like getting a backpack for Christmas, thankfully, they all love grabbing them when we go places! Yay!! Daddy also installed some hooks to have a place to keep them stocked and ready!

And thanks to my darling husband who took on this Christmas challenge not knowing how much he would be involved in the work. Thanks, honey!
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