Monday, December 7, 2009

Metro Christmas Party

Every year, Paul's work throws a very nice Christmas party for all of the employees. This year they had it at Harry Carry's in Lombard. The food was incredible, of course. The steaks were so big that I could only eat half of mine, and Paul was too full after eating his to finish mine (that NEVER happens). The main course was followed by Eli's turtle cheesecake and Starbucks coffee. Yum!! There's always room for dessert, right? We had decided in advance that we were going to eat and ditch. We usually stick around for the entertainment (unless the comedian gets crude), but this year, the entertainment of choice was a psychic! That's right, one of those mind reading, fortune telling weirdos. We had contemplated whether or not to even attend, but decided to go ahead anyhow with plans to leave early. I am really glad we went for the dinner. We ended up sitting near some people that have a strong influence on choosing the entertainment. We were able to get to know them a bit better and by having fun in the conversations we showed them that we weren't party poopers, so when the time came to explain the reason for leaving early, they would understand it was because of our beliefs and not a personal attack on those that planned the evening.

After we left, we went to see the movie "Blind Side" and thoroughly enjoyed the entire evening. When Paul went back to work today, he found out that the psychic was a big flop. The president of the company gave the thumbs down during the act and the lady who planned the event ended up crying.... Ah, well, better luck next year =)
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