Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving at our house

Thanksgiving was at our house this year. Our family keeps growing... We had one more added this year. Scott and Emilee had a baby girl, Taylor Rose in September. When our family gets together, fun and goofiness is bound to follow... and no, I didn't ask anyone to make these goofy faces for the camera. It just comes naturally in our family :)
Thanksgiving meals are always dee-lish, but this year was kinda special... We ate my sister's "pet" turkey. It wasn't supposed to be a pet, but Dawn, the ol' softie, can't help but get attached to her animals (even if she is raising it for our Thanksgiving dinner). She handed it (along with 2 others) over to Paul and I about a month ago to do the "dirty work". It was huge! Around 27 pounds when all was said and done. Though Paul and I (heartless as we are) have butchered poultry before, we tend to not like eating them right away with the smells and images still lingering in our memory, thus the reason we did it a month before. I have to say.... It was totally yummy!! You go Dawn! Don't know what you fed the thing, but it was tasty! We make a great team... You feed 'em, we... well, you know... May they digest in peace.

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