Monday, April 26, 2010

Busy weekend

Our New Kid
Our biggest excitement of the weekend was the birth of our first baby goat of the year. Our goat (the one I said was NOT pregnant) had a single boy. I'm not sure where she was hiding it, but it's hers. Caleb went in to feed and water the goats in the morning and found a little baby. What a great surprise! He is soooo cute. He is full Nubian so he has adorable long ears (like a cross between a puppy and a lop-earred bunny). Last year's babies were half Nubian and half Lamancha so they had very short ears (Lamanchas are known for having no ears).

When asked if it's a boy or a girl, the Ellie and Grace will announce that "It's a boy and it's going to get butchered, but not when it's a baby." Such farm girls.... My kids are enjoying the new kid.

Livin' it up
The boys have been having a blast riding the go-cart around the cornfield, so daddy found another go-cart and mini-bike on Craig's list. The owner couldn't get either to start after the winter, so we got a good deal on them. After an hour or two, Daddy was riding around the yard on the mini-bike.
Seth was learning how to ride in the front yard (the steering of the front wheel takes a bit of getting used to), and after about 5 minutes, he forgot to let go of the accelerator when he used the brake to stop and he wiped out. Thank goodness there was no major damage, but when he fell, he jammed the handlebar into his cheek and formed a nasty looking welt.
He got back on his "horse", but if you look at the picture below, you'll notice that they took it upon themselves to use their catcher's helmet (complete with face mask) instead of the red helmet when riding.
The girl's can't drive yet and are imploring me to buy them a pony, OR a little pink 4-wheeler that "takes gas and not batteries". They have a rechargable "Gator" with an old battery that takes about 5 minutes or less to run out of juice. For now, though, they'll have to be content having their big brothers chauffeur them around.
They're Back!
We finally have both sets of Grandparents back! My parents came home last week from Cancun, and on Saturday, Grandpa and Grandma Larson got home from their month-long stay in the Mexican paradise...
Grandma Connie got to relive her farm-girl days and Grandpa Les gave the boys some baseball pitching pointers.

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