Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hey, it's actually spring!

We had a fun stay with the Anderson's. The kids played great together the whole week, and we left with a van full of Colorado rocks (thanks Brennen). Noah is sure he can sell one of them for $100. I'm not so sure...

Ema made us a bunch of schnitzels (I can't spell it, but I think it's a German food) for the road, and off we went. We headed 5 hours through the mountains to Colorado Springs for the night. Steve's mom has a house that many of their friends stop at for the night on their way east.
I was looking forward to the adventure of driving home with six kids, if for no other reason than to say that "I did it", but realize it is a long drive... My big brother surprised me by flying into Colorado Springs last night to drive home with me! He has a flexible job and flyer miles (and was worried about me). After waking up several times last night because of kids sneaking off their roll-away bed onto my bed (Noah was already sleeping with me), I finally got up for good around 4:45, and we were on our way by 5:15 or so.

It has been nice having Mark come along for the trip. I had planned on staying at a hotel for the night because I didn't want to have to set up camp, and unhook and hook the camper back up, but now we can camp (which the kids would much rather do)... and they've enjoyed chasing Uncle Mark around the rest areas.
After a stop around Omaha, we'll have ONE MORE DAY... Oh, and it's nice to NOT see snow anymore!

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