Thursday, July 1, 2010

We've reached the ODD years...

The ODD years... the years that it get hard to rattle off how old every kid is. Instead of the usual "they're 2, 4,6 8,..." It's turned into "ummm, let me think. 1... 4... 5, 7... 9... and 10". It won't stay those numbers for long, but I just hope no one asks their ages until I can get used to them :)

Seth is nine now! He had grown so much, in so many ways, in the last couple years. There was a stage (from about 1 to 7!) that I wasn't sure if he'd ever outgrow. It was an uncanny ability to do things (things that cause damage) without thinking. He still has his moments every now and then (and maybe I'm getting accustomed to the idea of "that's just the way he's wired"), but he has matured a lot.

I've heard a philosophy on child-rearing that goes something like this... from birth to 3, the child is all work for you; between 5 and 8, they should be able to hold their own (they are still work for you, but can shoulder their fair share); and after 9, they should actually be an asset to the family. Both Caleb and Seth are in that last stage. I notice how much more I have to do myself and miss them when they're gone.
Noah is 7 now and is in that stage that Seth just grew out of. The stage is a little different (his weakness is laziness), but the idea is still the same. Noah could care less if he wears the same outfit for 10 days in a row (socks, underwear and all) because he doesn't want to bring his laundry down and has no clean clothes. Most of the time, I'll catch him after 2 or 3 days of the same outfit, and to be honest, I don't care if they wear the same clothes 2 days in a row, minus socks and undies, of course.

On the positive side, Noah has a special knack for babies and little kids. He's great with Nathan and loves to care for him. Though he may not admit it, Noah's still a cuddly little sweetheart.

Because their birthdays are within a week of each other, they usually have their party together. This year, they had two parties (together). One at our house with the Pembles, and one at Grandma and Grandpa Larson's on Father's Day with the Larson crew.

The 3 fathers on Father's Day...
Seth and Grandpa Les
Daddy and Noah

We also went to meet Daddy for lunch at a park near his work on Seth's Bday. Noah's birthday was on a Sunday this year, so he got jipped out of this tradition...
Each of the kids give gifts to the birthday boy (or girl). It's been convenient this summer because the week before their birthdays, we went out garage sailing with birthday presents in mind. Each of the kids brought a buck (or so) and could buy the birthday boy whatever they though he'd like. Caleb got a Sox Monopoly Game for Seth... the only Sox lover in the family. Noah is not so big into competition (or conflict) and has chosen to become neutral He is now a St. Louis Cardinal's fan (thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Larson buying him a jersey).
This park in Romeoville works out nice because the little kids play on the swings, while the bigger kids (and dad) take turns pitching to each other in the baseball diamond near the playground.

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