Saturday, October 30, 2010
My take on Halloween

Monday, October 25, 2010
Fall Fest
Well number 2
My dad came over Saturday and helped Paul piece the pipes and pump rod together (and figure out how to get it to work).
Soccer's over
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ok, all that to say two things:
Saturday, October 16, 2010
It's pumpkin carving day again
Ellie surprised me this year. All of the boys still had me carve their faces out when they were five, but she cleaned out her pumpkin and started carving away. She actually did a good job. I was impressed. She likes to draw, so maybe it's her artistic side coming out.
Paul's Birthday
Grandma and Grandpa came over to babysit for a couple hours and we headed to one of Paul's favorite steakhouses.... Lonestar. We tend to go there every time his birthday rolls around. Although he's great to cook for because he's not a picky eater at all, he's a steak and potatoes kind of guy at heart, so Lonestar suits him perfectly. (That, or a Brazillian steakhouse, his first choice, but considering the nearest one is not around us, he chose the next runner up).
When we got home, we had pumpkin pie (another favorite) with the kids and Grandma Connie and Grandpa Les. Caleb and Seth decorated it with real whipped cream. Yum!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
We've struck gold!!
On Friday morning, we had the well guys officially start drilling!! Yay! By about 5 pm, and after digging down 270 feet (we were getting nervous since every foot adds more money onto the bill), they hit water! Not just water, but lots of it. Something like 30 to 40 gallons a minute! Compared to the 1 gallon per minute that we had, it was like striking gold! They are going to hook up our pump on Monday and the anticipation is killing us. Paul and I keep dreaming about how it'll be so nice to do dishes and laundry at the same time, or for the kids to play on the slip-and-slide for more than 10 minutes at a time next summer. Whoo-hoo! The only unknown factor is whether or not it's stinky sulfur water. We won't know until it's hooked up and the only thing the well guys guarantee is that "it'll be wet".