Sunday, October 3, 2010

We've struck gold!!

Alright, so it's not gold, it's just water, but for us, it's as close to gold in our yard as we're gonna get. We've been battling the lack of water vs. "Should we spend an awful lot of money to dig a new well?" problem for about 2 years now. The biggest obstacle was that most of the time, our water (or lack of it) only had trouble a few times a year then would be fairly "normal" the rest of the time. It seemed like twice a year, our water would go dry for about a week and then magically return to "normal". Ahhh, but normal for us meant that if we all took showers on Sunday morning, we had to make them really quick ones and do combo ones with the youngest kids, or if we had a lot of laundry to do, our well needed a rest between loads to "refill"... and for our family, it doesn't take long for the laundry to pile up.

On Friday morning, we had the well guys officially start drilling!! Yay! By about 5 pm, and after digging down 270 feet (we were getting nervous since every foot adds more money onto the bill), they hit water! Not just water, but lots of it. Something like 30 to 40 gallons a minute! Compared to the 1 gallon per minute that we had, it was like striking gold! They are going to hook up our pump on Monday and the anticipation is killing us. Paul and I keep dreaming about how it'll be so nice to do dishes and laundry at the same time, or for the kids to play on the slip-and-slide for more than 10 minutes at a time next summer. Whoo-hoo! The only unknown factor is whether or not it's stinky sulfur water. We won't know until it's hooked up and the only thing the well guys guarantee is that "it'll be wet".

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1 comment:

  1. I see you don't have long to go! Hope all is well with your family. By the looks of it, seems you have it all under control. The post on the honey was informative, makes me want some of that homemade honey though, actually, makes me want to be your neighbor and share in all this learning that your kiddos get :) Every post actually makes me feel that way. Hmmm, when are you going to invite me for a visit? LOL! Take care Amy!
