Saturday, October 30, 2010

My take on Halloween

I in no way enjoy Halloween. I dispise taking my kids shopping and seeing all of the ugly decorations and posters on display. Every year they seem to get more disgusting and scary. All you have to do is walk past one of the evil-glorifying statues and you inevitable hear a scream of terror, groan of death or can see it's red eyes light up. What a horrible holiday that rakes in sooooo much money for the stores. We generally avoid the halloween area of the store around this time of year and truely enjoy when the stores start replacing them with Christmas decorations even before October is over (though, the marketing push to the next season is really pathetic). I've actually seen moms laughingly take their 3 or 4-year-olds and make them stand in front of those scary talking decorations while their kids BEG their moms to leave because they're terrified. The moms just keep laughing and get a kick out of giving their kids nightmares. Shame on them!!
I've discovered that one of the benefits of living in the country is that Halloween passes us by with not so much as a rustle at the front door. No candy to buy for kids that insist you give it to them or you'll get a trick played on you. No scary masks coming to the door, and (worse yet) not having to walk our kids through yards that are decorated with those disgusting statues and makeshift horror film cemetaries. We just cook up some popcorn, plug in a movie and enjoy the night. So, if you are looking for a way to escape the horrors of Halloween, you are welcome to come to our house during trick-or-treat hours... Just don't come knocking for candy.
On a lighter note, as much as I am disgusted by the holiday, I thought this cartoon was so funny!

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