Monday, January 10, 2011

... and a Happy New Year!

Well, it's a New Year and things are still rolling along... the kids stayed up with us until 11 and we watched the New York count down (on the internet) and had our traditional super rich and creamy homemade eggnog. Nathan was so cute as he tried to figure out why everyone was saying "cheers" and tinging their glasses together. I assume he gave up trying to come up with a reason and just joined in the fun because he would just go around to everyone and insist that you bump glasses with him.

Grace had sparkling cider (we still have her off wheat and dairy, which has been a pain, especially over the holidays... no more ear infections as of yet, though!)


Selah with a crabby look on her face. Though she's not a crabby baby, "angry eyebrows" seem to come naturally to her.

Finally!!! The pictures for this blog have been sitting on my computer for a week waiting to be typed up and posted. I have bunches of thoughts in my head, but finding the free hands to type them up is proving a bit hard right now... so for now, it's mostly pictures :)

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