Saturday, May 28, 2011

Gracie's 5th Birthday

My pretty little FIVE-year-old...

If there's anything I've learned so far in parenting, it's to "study" my children. Learn their personalities and what makes them tick (or come unglued). Each is so unique and different. You actually have to be proactive in trying to figure them out. I believe being a parent is really a home study course in psycology. Who needs textbooks when you have real life scenerios?

Gracie is my helper. She LOVES to assist me at whatever I'm doing, and she's extremely helpful when she puts her mind to it. Especially if it's one-on-one time with me. If she believes her work is being noticed and counts for something, look out!

She had almost a whole month of celebrations this year. Because it's hard getting everyone together often, Paul's side of the family did a Mother's Day/ Gracie's Birthday combo in early May. Then, on her actual birthday, May 20, we headed to a park near daddy's work for lunch, as we usually do. A few days later we had a party with my side of the familly.

Here's Gracie's present from Paul and I (below). She has been asking for, and dreaming about having a pinata for her birthday. Does this sound wierd? Ellie chose a gingerbread house to decorate and eat all by herself, and Grace asked for a pinata that she could bang up all by herself and then pass out the candy by herself... I'm still trying to figure it out...

Anyhow, she picked out a horse pinata and Grace helped me sort the candy into sandwich bags and stuff them in. I saw someone do that very thing because they didn't like the hoarding and greedy race to get the most candy, and I really like the idea. In the end, she did let the other kids whack her pinata, but I think she enjoyed it just the same. And, yes, that IS the only present we got her. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, but it's smart, NOT cheap. It's consumable. She gets to enjoy it and then we throw it out. I don't have to find a place for it, or worse, find it laying around on the floor (the final resting spot for many toys before they meet the inside of a great, white garbage bag that is headed for Goodwill). Smart.

Now... I did say that was her only present. That's not completely true. That's all exept "Poof Coupons". That's what we call them. They are coupons that say, "Poof, this coupon entitles (birthday person) to (whatever little treat I want to bestow)" The kids get one for each year old they are, and are filled out with things like, "a hot cocoa from Starbucks", "a pack of gum", "a day without loading dishes", "a night to sleep on mom and dad's floor". They are just small, inexpensive things, and they can use them anytime (within reason). Believe it or not, the Poof coupons are one of the most exciting things about their birthdays. They really look forward to finding out what surprises they are going to get, and I like personalizing it with things that I know the birthday child will really enjoy.

Ahhh, and there's one more aspect to our birthdays that I just love. It's watching each of the brothers and sisters find a present for the birthday girl/boy. During the spring/summer, I'll take them garage sailing to find a special gift to give. Or, they might give something out of their personal stock of toys. And, on occasion, they will buy something from the store. The gift giver likes the reaction as much as the recipient like opening the gifts, and I love to watch both of them.


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Friday, May 27, 2011

So Long, Boys!

So long, farwell, auf wiedersehen, goodnight... bum, ba, da, dump, da, dump, da dump...

Off they go, once again, on their annual canoe trip to the Minnesota/Canada boundary waters, where their manhood is tested with ticks, mosquitoes, and the ability to catch their own dinner. Caleb, Seth, Noah, and Paul left today with Ken and Matthew Thomas to spend 7 days in the rugged outdoors, sure to come home with many stories, including one pertaining to a realistic-looking plastic bug in someone's trail mix, courtesy of Seth (with my approval, of course... I can only imagine the recipient's face when he finds it... he, he, he).

The girls, Nathan, and I were left to take care of things on the homefront. So far, so good... although, it's only been about 10 hours. I promised the girls that we'd have some fun. Tonight was movie and popcorn night. Later we're planning a tea party, a strawberry shortcake party (the edible kind AND the cartoon kind), a trip to the zoo, a pedicure night, and of course, a slumber party in mom's room every night :) Mixed in with all that fun, I have bunches of things on my to-do list. I started pondering that list today, and I couldn't figure out why I think I can complete more things with four little kids while I'm missing the helpful, bigger kids? Those bigger boys are my right and left hands when it comes to a smooth running household. It seems a bit backward. Maybe if Paul took the little ones and left the big ones? Then... then... wow, imagine the things I could get done...

Then again, maybe it's just the freedom from being on a schedule. The little ones really don't care if we have popcorn and apples for dinner. There's no school or piano practice to worry about. I can post a blog at 2 a.m. and not feel bad for staying up late, because, well, we'll just nap tomorrow... so far, so good...

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

May days...

Hello... Long time, no blog...

Here's a question for you... WHERE is my spring going? It seems to be FLYING by! Maybe it's just a case of "when you get older, time moves faster", I dunno, but it's slippin' by awfully quick...

I love springtime. I love to trade the heavy winter coats for jackets and sweaters. I love the budding flowers and patches of dandelions throughout the yard (yes, dandelions! The pesky weed/herb that brightens the lawn with yellow dots AND makes great greens to mix with my lettuce). I love being outside in the evening with NO mosquitoes. I love sitting on the porch swing with my hubby, listening to the birds and watching the kids play as the sun sinks over the horizon. It's easy for me to forget that the longest days of the year are in the spring. It seems unfair because for most of Spring, the weather is warming, but still chilly, and we aren't quite able to take full advantage of the longer daylight hours. By the time the warm weather is in full swing, the days are starting to get shorter. Tis a shame, but it once again reminds me of one of my favorite sayings, "Carpe Diem". Seize the day. Live in the moment.

Being pregnant last fall, I wasn't really motivated to take our yearly pictures. I like to take them in October as the leaves are changing and our skin is still tanned from the late summer sun. I didn't get the job done, so, to catch up, I took them this spring instead...

Selah (4 months) and Mommy

Seth-9 1/2 years

Caleb 11 1/2 years

Noah- 7 1/2 years

Little Nathan-2 1/2 years

The boys- Noah, Nathan, Caleb and Seth

Grace- almost 5

Ellie- 6 years

The girls- Grace, Selah, and Ellie

Daddy and the boys!

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