Sunday, May 15, 2011

May days...

Hello... Long time, no blog...

Here's a question for you... WHERE is my spring going? It seems to be FLYING by! Maybe it's just a case of "when you get older, time moves faster", I dunno, but it's slippin' by awfully quick...

I love springtime. I love to trade the heavy winter coats for jackets and sweaters. I love the budding flowers and patches of dandelions throughout the yard (yes, dandelions! The pesky weed/herb that brightens the lawn with yellow dots AND makes great greens to mix with my lettuce). I love being outside in the evening with NO mosquitoes. I love sitting on the porch swing with my hubby, listening to the birds and watching the kids play as the sun sinks over the horizon. It's easy for me to forget that the longest days of the year are in the spring. It seems unfair because for most of Spring, the weather is warming, but still chilly, and we aren't quite able to take full advantage of the longer daylight hours. By the time the warm weather is in full swing, the days are starting to get shorter. Tis a shame, but it once again reminds me of one of my favorite sayings, "Carpe Diem". Seize the day. Live in the moment.

Being pregnant last fall, I wasn't really motivated to take our yearly pictures. I like to take them in October as the leaves are changing and our skin is still tanned from the late summer sun. I didn't get the job done, so, to catch up, I took them this spring instead...

Selah (4 months) and Mommy

Seth-9 1/2 years

Caleb 11 1/2 years

Noah- 7 1/2 years

Little Nathan-2 1/2 years

The boys- Noah, Nathan, Caleb and Seth

Grace- almost 5

Ellie- 6 years

The girls- Grace, Selah, and Ellie

Daddy and the boys!

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