Saturday, September 17, 2011

Caleb's 12!

It seems like I'm putting a birthday blog on here all the time. I pretty much am. Nine people in the family makes for a lot of birthday blogs...
My little man is growin' up. Caleb is totally the typical "first-born" child. Super responsible, respectful, orderly, scheduled, helpful, and just a plain, good kid. The winds of change are coming. I can feel it. Not that he's turning bad, but that annoying boy stuff is coming out. He'll walk by a brother and whomp 'em on the arm for no reason, or maybe just play drums on his head. He might have a friendly teasing for the girls, and a bit of, "maybe you don't quite know everything, mom". He doesn't actually say it out loud, but just gives me that silent thoughtful look as he's evaluating something I've said. I'll be the first to admit that I don't know everything, but it's interesting to watch him start reasoning things out for himself.

Caleb has been in need of a bike this summer, and we had planned to do some biking at ICHE Family Camp the week after his birthday, so daddy did some searching on Craigslist. I'm sure you know by now, we buy ALOT of things second-hand. I'd rather spend my money on a gently-used, high-quality item than something mediocre for the same price. Paul found a nice Trek mountain bike for a great deal. Needless to say, Caleb was thrilled (although he still borrows Noah's beat-up bike for wheelies and stunt riding).

His little sisters still adore him, even with the little bit of teasing. I imagine next year I'll be writing that he's passed me up in height, but he's still waiting for that big growth spurt. His looks are starting to change. He's just starting to lose that "kid" look, and get a bit more mature look to him. He's a good one to be the first to go through the whole "growing up" thing. I'm going to enjoy the changes that will be evident in the next few years.
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