Friday, September 16, 2011

Selah's 8 months

I'm a bit late in posting this because although the title says 8 months, she's actually closer to 9 months. Oh, well.
This month our little munchkin got her top two teeth. They seemed to appear overnight as teeth sometimes do when I'm not watching for them. I saw them poking through her gums as I was changing her and thought in retrospect, "hmmm, maybe that's why she wasn't her happy self yesterday". That's about it. Most of my kids are good teethers. Nathan was the only one who had a hard time with it, and that was only when his molars were breaking through...

Yes, that's Selah on the potty. She did go this time, and has gone a few other times. She has definate actions/expressions when she is going number 2, so sometimes (if I'm free), I'll catch her and put her on the potty. It's not my goal to train her now, but a few less dirty diapers are a nice bonus.

Selah and mommy

This is one of Selah's FAVORITE places to be... in my baby carrier. I LOVE this carrier. It's only taken me 7 kids to find it. Throughout the years, I've gone through every kind of sling, wrap, and baby pack you can think of. This Ergo Carrier has Baby Bjorn beat hands down. It is so comfy and I can where her on my back, in the front, and on my hip. Sometimes, when I'm busy and Nathan (my 2 year old) wants to be held, I'll stick him in the carrier on my back, and continue working. He loves it, too. The Ergo is pricey, but I got this one, brand new, for a deal through Ebay, and it is well worth the money!

Selah's visiting the chickens. She was quite content to watch them pecking at the grass all around her.

Food!! In this last month, she's come to love it. Grapes, blueberries, cooked carrot chunks, black beans, applesauce, pieces of pancake, cheerios... she's taken to it like a pro.

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