Friday, August 15, 2008

Scratch Colorado...we're headed to Missouri

Well, we decided to go down to Les and Connie's (Paul's parents) lake house on Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri instead of our trip into the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. There were a few reasons, namely not being able to breathe at 8 months pregnant and 8000 feet above sea level, along with having to miss out on white water rafting, repelling, and all the other things that I would need a center of gravity for (which I seem to be lacking right now). Plus, there's that lovely 21 hour car drive. BTW, does anyone have any idea how hard it is to find a hotel room for a family of 7?? All suggestions say to "camp", but the idea of sleeping without a pillow stuffed under my oversized belly makes me ache- much less actually sleeping on the ground!!

Sooooo... the drive to Missouri was much more manageable. And the lake house was great!! Thanks Les and Connie. The weather was awesome and not too hot in the 80's and the water was the perfect temperature to jump right in- which the boys did ALOT! Grace kept her distance, but didn't mind riding the wave runner with daddy or mommy. She kept saying "This is fun! This is fun!" Ellie was too cute doggie paddling around the swim area. She took to the water like a duck to... water?? (or however that goes). The boys caught bunches of fish, mostly bluegill, with a bass and a catfish thrown in. The first day, Paul didn't get a chance to fish because he spent his time taking them off the boy's lines. Caleb was fishing a bit different. He had his worm pushed up on his fishing line just above the hook and he'd watch in the water for a fish to nibble at his worm. As soon as he saw one, he'd yank the line, and many times, catch a fish. It took me a while to figure out how he was hooking them on the outside of their mouths or in the gills??
Pics still to come...

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