Thursday, October 30, 2008
We're out of water!!
We filled some 5 gallon buckets of water at my parent's last night to be able to flush the toilets, but I have no desire to do that all weekend. I also don't want to stay anywhere else because I had big house/toy cleaning plans while the guys were gone... Ugh!
At the beginning of September, it was our fridge that went bad and forced us to live out of coolers for a week. Now, we're without water... Maybe God's trying to prepare us to be Amish???
Monday, October 27, 2008
Paul's work's annual Open House

Every year Paul's work has an open house for all of it's employees. They put alot of effort into it, and the kids have a great time. "Skiddles" the clown does (awesome) face painting and balloon animals. She painted Noah's "tiger" face, and princess decorations on Ellie's face. Paul even dressed up this year in his cowboy boots and hat. I...well, I took a raincheck...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Soccer season is over

Paul and his two favorite soccer players.
Seth really enjoyed soccer. He's a natural for it. He has a high endurance level that's needed for all the running and has a knack for being in the right place at the right time. I believe he scored at least one goal in each game. (It helps to have an incentive- like getting to go out for ice cream if one of our boys score a goal) Noah, well, he really likes the treats that they get at the end of each game.
Full House
The picture below is what it looked like throughout most of the house on any given day...
All of the kids actually got along with eachother really well. The 3 older boys (Caleb, Seth, and Brennen) kept busy playing legos (yeah, the really tiny ones that we'll be stepping on and vacuuming up for the next week or so) or soccer or whatever else they could find. The two middle boys (Noah and Evan) picked right up where they left off last year with Thomas the Tank Engine and playing in the sandbox. Ellie, Kaylee, and Grace played dollies (it's so nice (and quiet) to have girls). That left the one-year-old Ella to wander around the house and Nathan to be held (so he didn't get trampled or have his eyes poked out).
If a movie was playing, the most of the kids could be found sitting on the couch watching, and the others were usually playing on the floor while watching.
The Anderson family left this morning with a mini-van that seats 7, packed (I mean PACKED) full of stuff and 8 people to head to Kentucky to drop off Ema's 2 sisters before heading back to Colorado... And we have our house back!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Nathan is 1 month old!

It has been quite a month. Unlike Grace and Ellie (who both intentionally smiled before they were two weeks old), I have yet to see Nathan smile. He LOVES to be held- as does any newborn- but he only lets me have free hands for 15 to 30 minutes before he starts crying to be held again. He LOVES to eat and is always hungry. Nathan holds his head up very well for a 1 month old and is very alert. It is truely a joy to have a newborn to hold again.
Pumpkin Carving Night!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Introducing...Levi Paul Hays!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Paul's Birthday

This year, my wonderful husband's birthday was somewhat of a whirl-wind. We were having guests coming from out of town on the night of his birthday, so that day and the days before were spent getting the house ready. We were (and still are) hosting our friends, the Anderson's, for 2 weeks. That means we had to make room for their family of 6, plus their 2 twenty-something sisters. We've just doubled our household!! Yikes! More to come...

Friday, October 3, 2008
Nathan's 1st bath!!
This is actually a little embarassing to admit, but Nathan finally got his first bath just yesterday. We don't give him the "normal" scrub-down that babies normally receive in the hospital because of the good bacteria that they naturally get on their skin from the birth. I am convinced that the good bacteria is part of the reason our last 2 babies had their umbilical cords fall of within a week of their birth. Nathan's actually took 4 days (way less than any of our hospital babies).
Aside from that, we wouldn't normally wait this long to give them their first bath, but this has been a REALLY busy 2 weeks. Both Paul and I like to be there for the first bath to take pictures and video, but with all of the soccer and baseball and other stuff, we haven't had the time. And when we had an evening to spare, we were both too pooped to have it be the special occasion that it is. So, here we are, the night before Nathan's first doctor check-up, giving him a bath. It is so different from our first baby... We couldn't find the baby bathtub that we'd normally use, so we first tried the sink, but it wasn't quite big enough, so we settled on using the regular bathtub. We actually just use the baby bathtub for the "first bath pictures" because we've found that it's easier if we just "pass the baby" to the one who's taking a shower, wash him, and pass him back out.
As you can see, Nathan wasn't exactly fond of getting a wash-down, but he was very happy to be cuddled in a towel in daddy's arms... nice and warm.
Everythings OK in daddy's arms!
She's a cutie!

Gracie's at such a cute age right now. She's a little momma to Nathan and asks to hold him all the time. She likes to help me change his diaper and button up his sleepers. She's also become very independent within the last month. She insists on putting on her own clothes by herself, even though it takes her FOREVER. It's actually pretty funny to watch her try to put on her jacket. She'll get one arm in, and then walk around in circles chasing for the other arm that is just out of her reach... Gracie loves music and singing and pretending more than I can recall the other kids liking those things. She is constantly chattering about one thing or another... And she knows that she's still my "baby girl".