Wednesday, October 1, 2008

2 weeks old and mowing...

Nathan and momma took their first spin on Daddy's new-(to-us) lawn mower! Paul's dad, Les found a deal on a lawn mower that was just too good to pass up... Especially since we didn't have a working mower and had to borrow one just to get our grass below our ankles :) Paul and Les bought it late Saturday night, and Paul was out sharpening the blades and taking it for a test mow early Sunday morning. He was so excited about how smooth it ran and how sharp it turned, that I just HAD to take it out for a ride. Yep, it shore is nice, that thar grass cutter.
Thanks, Les!
Nathan and mom. Yeah, I know, I still look pregnant, but that's actually a baby in there!
BTW, it has now taken the prize position in the garage and Paul's car got the boot!

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