Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nathan is 1 week old!

Nathan and the crew!!

This beautiful baby is now 1 week old! Nathan has had a busy week. He was 2 days old when he saw his big brother's first baseball game. Caleb was supposed to have his first game in the beginning of September, but has been rained out several times. I was hoping to get to see one before Nathan was born, but it just wasn't working out. Of course, I couldn't miss his first game, so Nathan just came along and we sat in the van at the edge of the field and got a front row view! Since then, he has seen 3 more baseball games, Seth and Noah's soccer game, gone out for ice cream (sorry, none for him), went garage sale-ing, and went for his first walk down the street to the neighbors in my new baby "wrap" carrier (below).

It sounds like a lot, but actually, when Nathan and I weren't doing those things, we were in bed getting some much needed sleep. Last night was the first night that he slept for a few hours straight only waking for a feeding every 3 or so hours. Yeah!! Hopefully we'll be breaking into some sort of sleeping and eating routine in the next week or so.

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1 comment:

  1. He looks so good! I can't wait to see him! You sound like you are in good hands w/the mamas helping out. Gotta love the family!
    When is the next one coming?LOL (don't ya just hate when people ask that?) Congrats again! I will email you and see when I can buzz out there and see that kid!
