Sunday, September 14, 2008

All I want for Christmas...

Seth lost his first top tooth this week while eating corn on the cob. He also acquired a slight lisp to his "s" sound without the tooth to push against. He was excited to put his tooth under his pillow for the "tooth fairy", but quite disappointed when the tooth fairy didn't show. He reminded me that I needed to call the tooth fairy to make sure she showed up the next night. Well, the tooth fairy came, but he forgot to put his tooth back under his pillow. In fact, he doesn't know where he put it. So, we have a tooth floating around the house somewhere. He was thankful that the tooth fairy accepts notes for missing teeth, and he stuck a note under his pillow saying his tooth was lost. (And wrote me about 5 notes reminding me to call her to let her know she can come again). Finally, success!! He got a whopping $1 and 2 pennies!! I can't explain the 2 pennies... but he was happy!!

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