Friday, October 3, 2008

Nathan's 1st bath!!

Gotta love this picture!

This is actually a little embarassing to admit, but Nathan finally got his first bath just yesterday. We don't give him the "normal" scrub-down that babies normally receive in the hospital because of the good bacteria that they naturally get on their skin from the birth. I am convinced that the good bacteria is part of the reason our last 2 babies had their umbilical cords fall of within a week of their birth. Nathan's actually took 4 days (way less than any of our hospital babies).

Aside from that, we wouldn't normally wait this long to give them their first bath, but this has been a REALLY busy 2 weeks. Both Paul and I like to be there for the first bath to take pictures and video, but with all of the soccer and baseball and other stuff, we haven't had the time. And when we had an evening to spare, we were both too pooped to have it be the special occasion that it is. So, here we are, the night before Nathan's first doctor check-up, giving him a bath. It is so different from our first baby... We couldn't find the baby bathtub that we'd normally use, so we first tried the sink, but it wasn't quite big enough, so we settled on using the regular bathtub. We actually just use the baby bathtub for the "first bath pictures" because we've found that it's easier if we just "pass the baby" to the one who's taking a shower, wash him, and pass him back out.

As you can see, Nathan wasn't exactly fond of getting a wash-down, but he was very happy to be cuddled in a towel in daddy's arms... nice and warm.

Everythings OK in daddy's arms!

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