Friday, January 23, 2009

It's Payday!!

Around here, every Wednesday is payday...for the kids, that is. They earn "points" throughout the week by doing various things around the house. They'll get points for doing their chores without being told, getting caught being kind to their sibling, washing their plate after eating, or a list of other things. We have a simple method of keeping track of the points and every Wednesday, they get to turn them in for a number of different "prizes". Most of the prizes cost Paul or I nothing, or very little, such as "get to sleep on Mom and Dad's floor, 12 points", "watch a movie during naptime, 10 points", "get a small treat, 4 points", or "get to play a game on the computer for 45 minutes, 16 points", ect. A few of the higher point things actually cost us a little money, like "go out with dad for a donut, 25 points", or "get a Jr. Frosty from Wendy's, 25 points". They could also earn a trip to Chuck E. Cheese (with $5.00 to spend) for a whopping 50 points!

The kids absolutely LOVE point day, and it is good incentive for them get their chores done. They all have the potential to get a bunch of points, but usually they end up with somewhere between 15 and 30 points for the week (with a "no roll-over" rule). Caleb worked REALLY hard this week, vaccumming and mopping almost the whole house and doing lots of extra things. He ended up with somewhere around 110 points! He had a blast trading in his points. What he's holding in his hands are all of his "prize coupons" that he "bought" and can redeem whenever he wants.

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