Monday, July 27, 2009

Pick me UP!!

Nathan has recently learned a little of his own sign language...
This poor look of desperation, along with clasping his hands above his head has come to be known as "Pleeeeeeeease pick me up!!!"
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Canoeing on the Fox

The weather this July has been incredible. Except for a couple hot days in early June, we've hardly turned on our AC. We decided to take one of those beautiful days to go canoeing. While Caleb and Noah were with Grandma and Grandpa, we are taking the opportunity for a little "string tying" (or relationship building) with Seth. So on Sunday, we packed up a lunch, fishing poles and Uncle Mark's canoe and headed for the Fox River in Yorkville.

I had not been in a canoe before... or maybe I had and just don't remember, but either way, I discovered it to be very wobbly. And it seems, the more you laugh, the more you wobble. We had a fun time with Daddy doing most of the paddling while Seth and I ate cherries and used the pits as ammunition. We didn't catch any fish, but we didn't have our lines in the water long enough anyhow.

I think I was expecting more of a white-water canoeing trip where we'd have to fight through the rapids to keep the canoe from tipping, but it wasn't quite as exciting as that. In fact, the only thing we really had to fight was keeping the canoe facing downstream. It's really annoying the be facing the direction that you came from. It seems to make the canoe stand still.
We did find a very cool little island where some people were having a cookout and jumping of a high rock. I think it was the only place in the river where you couldn't touch the bottom with your paddle. Maybe we'll bring a lunch and make our way back there someday...
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Metro work picnic

We went to Paul's work picnic at Lewis University on Saturday. Metropolitan makes it very family friendly and the kids always have a blast. This year, we were minus two kids, and even the clown (that is hired for company get-togethers twice a year) asked where they were. Along with the clown, they have a big jumpy thing, access to the Lewis University pool, and a huge buffet of grilled food. Hot dogs, burgers, ribs, chicken, sausages, ect. They gave each of the kids quarters to use at the campus arcade (or to go shopping later) :) It's kinda funny all the weird comments we get like, "Wow, you have 6 kids? I can't even keep my goldfish alive!" What do you say to that? Truth be told, we've killed about 10 goldfish in the last week trying to add them to our little pond outside. In fact, we have a hard time keeping most animals alive. Apparently, children are much more adaptable.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Noah's 6!!

My little blonde baby boy is SIX!! Wow! Where does the time go?

Noah is a sweet heart. He's becoming more of 'one of the boys', though, and less of a momma's little guy. Earlier this year, he learned to tie his shoes (a very proud accomplishment), learned to ride without training wheels, and he lost his first tooth just before his birthday. He was so excited about the toothfairy coming. He stuck it under his pillow right after it came out and reminded me several times during the day to call the toothfairy (otherwise, how would she know?), so I had no excuses. The toothfairy came through with a whoppin' $2 and some odd change! He was thrilled. He also was included on the "Guys only" canoe trip in the Boundary Waters. He carried his pack and to my knowledge, didn't complain once. He even caught his first "real" fish (the kind that give you a good thrill to reel in... I've never actually caught one, but that's what I understand it to be like).

Even though the boys are so close in age, they each have their unique, individual personalities. As the youngest of the three, Noah works extra hard at keeping up with Caleb and Seth, yet he doesn't really get into the whole competition thing like the older ones do (thank goodness). He's also got a bit more of a "dare-devil" streak in him. Within days of learning to ride his two-wheeler without training wheels, he was skidding to a stop sideways in the gravel and riding over car ramps with his brother. He was the first to insist on jumping out of the second floor of the barn onto a truckload of hay (when it came down to it, he just couldn't work up enough nerve. I'm hoping that means his common sense kicked in..??).

Noah has a fun-loving personality (with a few "lazy" kinks to be worked out), and I am looking forward to watching him develop into what God has planned for him.
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Seth's 8th Birthday

Seth turned 8 on Father's Day this year. He has been looking forward to this birthday for quite a while because it meant he was finally free from a booster seat in the car. He had his first ride without a booster seat on the way to church!

Seth is a fun boy with lots of energy. It drives him nuts to be bored for any length of time. He loves to laugh and joke, but hates being laughed at. I have been trying to figure Seth's personality out since the day he was born. Literally, since just after he was born, I could tell you that when he's happy, he's VERY happy, but when he's not, the whole world knows it. It's amazing how their personalities are wired into them even at that early age. I have spent alot of my time trying to "fix" his extremes, but only in the last year have I been more inclined to understand "why" he reacts certain ways instead of just dealing with the results. Seth has a huge heart and is very affectionate, but is inclined not to show it for fear of rejection. He gets attention and shows his love for others by "bugging" them, but not everyone takes it as affection. I think I have only scratched the surface with him, but thankfully, I have a God who knows him inside and out and can fill any of the voids that I simply can not. It's obvious to me that God has wired him for a special plan and purpose. My prayer for him is that he would seek out that purpose as we guide him as best we can, and that he would not choose to learn things in life the "hard way". And as always, we pray that he would choose to follow the Lord with his whole heart and that God would do what He needs for Seth to make that decision.

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Father's Day

My kids are very blessed to have the father and grandfathers that they do. I pray they would understand how blessed they are, and would choose to follow in their father's footsteps as they grow and eventually have children of their own.

Baseball's over...

Baseball has actually been over for a couple weeks, but my access to the internet has been limited (my computer decided that it doesn't like me)...

Anyhow, Noah was on his own team this year (without his brothers) coached by Daddy. He actually enjoyed playing this year, but still managed to play in the gravel in the outfield inbetween batters. Each of my boys hit the ball very well. I guess I can attribute it to the practice time they have at home because they have eachother to play with.

Seth and Caleb played together (also coached by Daddy). They had a great time. The team got along well with alot of team spirit. (It always helps when they win more than they lose, unlike the last few years)

The end of baseball is both a happy and sad occasion. I truly enjoy watching my boys play something that they love, but I welcome the reprieve from practices and games every week. So, I guess, until next year... so long baseball...
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