Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Seth's 8th Birthday

Seth turned 8 on Father's Day this year. He has been looking forward to this birthday for quite a while because it meant he was finally free from a booster seat in the car. He had his first ride without a booster seat on the way to church!

Seth is a fun boy with lots of energy. It drives him nuts to be bored for any length of time. He loves to laugh and joke, but hates being laughed at. I have been trying to figure Seth's personality out since the day he was born. Literally, since just after he was born, I could tell you that when he's happy, he's VERY happy, but when he's not, the whole world knows it. It's amazing how their personalities are wired into them even at that early age. I have spent alot of my time trying to "fix" his extremes, but only in the last year have I been more inclined to understand "why" he reacts certain ways instead of just dealing with the results. Seth has a huge heart and is very affectionate, but is inclined not to show it for fear of rejection. He gets attention and shows his love for others by "bugging" them, but not everyone takes it as affection. I think I have only scratched the surface with him, but thankfully, I have a God who knows him inside and out and can fill any of the voids that I simply can not. It's obvious to me that God has wired him for a special plan and purpose. My prayer for him is that he would seek out that purpose as we guide him as best we can, and that he would not choose to learn things in life the "hard way". And as always, we pray that he would choose to follow the Lord with his whole heart and that God would do what He needs for Seth to make that decision.

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