Monday, July 13, 2009

Noah's 6!!

My little blonde baby boy is SIX!! Wow! Where does the time go?

Noah is a sweet heart. He's becoming more of 'one of the boys', though, and less of a momma's little guy. Earlier this year, he learned to tie his shoes (a very proud accomplishment), learned to ride without training wheels, and he lost his first tooth just before his birthday. He was so excited about the toothfairy coming. He stuck it under his pillow right after it came out and reminded me several times during the day to call the toothfairy (otherwise, how would she know?), so I had no excuses. The toothfairy came through with a whoppin' $2 and some odd change! He was thrilled. He also was included on the "Guys only" canoe trip in the Boundary Waters. He carried his pack and to my knowledge, didn't complain once. He even caught his first "real" fish (the kind that give you a good thrill to reel in... I've never actually caught one, but that's what I understand it to be like).

Even though the boys are so close in age, they each have their unique, individual personalities. As the youngest of the three, Noah works extra hard at keeping up with Caleb and Seth, yet he doesn't really get into the whole competition thing like the older ones do (thank goodness). He's also got a bit more of a "dare-devil" streak in him. Within days of learning to ride his two-wheeler without training wheels, he was skidding to a stop sideways in the gravel and riding over car ramps with his brother. He was the first to insist on jumping out of the second floor of the barn onto a truckload of hay (when it came down to it, he just couldn't work up enough nerve. I'm hoping that means his common sense kicked in..??).

Noah has a fun-loving personality (with a few "lazy" kinks to be worked out), and I am looking forward to watching him develop into what God has planned for him.
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