Monday, August 3, 2009

Kittens and love...

My 4-year-old has found her true love...
...a fuzzy, little black kitten.

One of our two momma cats had a litter of kittens in June and three weeks later she was nowhere to be found. We assume was eaten by a hungry coyote or just used as a play toy by the neighboring German Shepard (it has a very bad habit of coming to visit, and if I could get to my BB Gun in time, I would help break the habit... sorry to all the PETA readers, but it's the truth). Anyhow, we ended up bottle feeding the kittens for about two weeks (like I needed something else to do three times a day). They are now about 6 weeks old and I had every intention of selling them as soon as possible.

Well, Ellie has always taken a liking to itty-bitty things...Polly Pockets, Littlest Pet Shop, tiny gemstones... anything that will fit in the palm of her hand. Well, this time she has attached herself to the runt of the litter. I'll have to admit, it is pretty cute. She carries it around like a ragdoll and it doesn't seem to mind at all. As with most of the kittens, it has about 5 names since every family that comes to visit gives them different names...

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