Thursday, August 20, 2009

A night on the town

You can't see it, but that is the Navy Pier Ferris Wheel lit up behind us. Paul and I went on a date to Morton's Steakhouse in Chicago last weekend and spent more money on our meal than I care to mention. Let's just say it could feed our family for at least a week. The bonus was that it was all on a gift card (the second half of what we didn't spend on our 10th anniversary last year). The waiter also got a huge tip, since what good is an extra $15 on a gift card when it will only buy you a potato and some lemon for your water??
Anyhow, after our big, fat, juicy steak, we walked it off (or part of it) by taking a 25 block stroll along the lake and over to Navy Pier. We didn't actually go onto the Pier, but we made it to the trolley stop benches and rested and watched all the really weird people. Yeah, weird. I think in Chicago a certain kind of weird people go home for the day only to allow the other weirdos a chance to have people gawk at them. OK, no, we didn't take the trolley back, although it was tempting, but we realized as we were watching the people stand in line waiting for it, the trolley drivers were out to play some cruel joke on the poor tourists. We would watch 5 or so empty trolleys drive right past this huge line of people who were just getting their hopes up. It could've been my imagination, but it looked like the trolleys were even swerving toward the pick-up lane, only to rev their engines and drive right past. Eventually, some of the people in line got fed up and took taxis. Maybe the trolley drivers and the taxi drivers were in cahoots?? Ah, well, we had fun just watching...

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