Saturday, August 22, 2009

Nathan's First Haircut

Nathan was looking a bit shaggy, so he got his first haircut last Monday (one day after he turned 11 months). As I recall, I gave all of our kids their first haircut between 9 months and 1 year. I think the girls may have been a little later since I only needed to trim their bangs. Anyhow, we've found that the kitchen sink works quite well for the little one's first cuts. The toys in the water keep them preoccupied while mom gets the job done. Part way through, Nathan got a bit antsy, so we employed another one of our favorite tactics... the popsicle. I think we may have used suckers with a few of the kids which works just about as well. So... BONUS for Nathan! He got his first haircut AND his first popsicle! Whoo-hoo!

Daddy with his hip, new glasses, and Nathan with his new haircut!

Nathan and his Barber(ette?? What's a female haircutter person called? A Stylist?)

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