Sunday, September 27, 2009

Nathan's First Birthday

Nathan's First Birthday was on the 16th of this month. I can't believe my baby is a year old already! We celebrated Caleb and Nathan's birthday together with family earlier in the month. He got to dig into his own mini cake (made with whole wheat flour and sucanat instead of white sugar... yeah, I know I'm weird) and loved it of course. Good to the last crumb!

For his actual birthday, Paul took a half day at work and we met him for a picnic lunch. The kids love meeting daddy for lunch at a park and it makes daddy feel like he can be part of their special day. We usually bring some sort of dessert that we can stick candles into and sing "Happy Birthday". I brought cinnamon rolls, but forgot the candle, so we improvised with a used lollypop stick from one of the kids. (Believe me, until he's old enough to read this blog, he'll never know the difference). We told him to blow and he did, though there wasn't much of a flame to blow out and he gnawed away on his roll.
After lunch, we went to the Dupage Children's Museum in downtown Naperville. I hadn't been there since Caleb and Seth were little, and I had forgotten how much fun it was. Penny pincher that I am, all of the kids got in for free via some coupons that we received with a summer reading program. I am still amazed that they actually charge for the adult to get into a children's museum. Duh, like they'd let any kid in without a parent?? Ahh, well, I guess I played as much as any of the kids, so fair is fair...

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