Monday, September 14, 2009


Uh, oh, I think I have a climber on my hands... Nathan is continually being brought down our 2 flights of stairs from the attic. We used to block the stairs with a big gate type thing (since it is an open staircase on the last few steps, we really don't have anything to connect a regular gate to), but he would just move the gate out of the way and go up anyhow. We took the gate down (since it didn't do any good) and would just listen for him calling from the attic when he wanted to come down. He goes up there for 15 or 20 minutes and plays with whatever toys are on the floor. He hasn't figured out how to get down and he hasn't even attempted it yet. At least he's smart enough to know that he might fall...

This morning, as I was working with the kids in the dining room, we heard delighted squeals coming from the kitchen. Nathan had pushed a stool over to a chair, climbed onto the stool, then the chair, and then onto the table. He was standing on the table looking into the mirror and laughing. He was so proud of himself! And I, the proud momma, grabbed the camera instead of him so I could capture "his first time climbing the table" forever...

But then, about 20 minutes later (after another trip down from the attic), I found him making excited noises in the kitchen again. This time he was using his push toy as a stool to see what he could reach on the counter. I am amazed it didn't roll right out from under him.
As I type this, he is making his way up to the attic for the third time today (I've already had to stop typing and get him because he was standing at the top of the stairs holding onto the post, yelling for me to get him). On the bright side... we have a winding staircase with platforms every four or five steps, so when he does fall, it will only be a few stairs at a time :) lol... Hmmm, looks like naptime is coming up pretty quickly for little Nathan...
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