Wednesday, January 13, 2010


We made it out sledding for the second time this year. We met some friends at Four Season's park in Shorewood. That hill is super nice for the parents because you can watch the kids walk up the side of the hill and sled down with a front row view from the car (while sipping some hot yummy drink, of course)!! Whoo-hoo!
Noah keeps up with the big guys!
Caleb and Seth's new thing was to snowboard down on their sleds. I tried to get video of it, but my camera ran out of battery...
Nathan went down with me once and was not too happy about going so fast. He was OK until we took on a little spin. I figured out that he was just as content sitting in the nice, warm car munching on banana chips. Poor Ellie looks like she's in distress in this photo, but I assure you, she made it up the hill just fine! In fact, she's quite the little sledder. Watching the kids sled makes me think that they are probably ready to hitch on some skis and hit the real slopes... We'll see...
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1 comment:

  1. Nice!! Looks like a blast. I'll have to get out there soon with Jay.
