Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Meeting Daddy for lunch

My little girl has turned 5 today!!! Out of all the kids, I'm having the most trouble thinking that she is five. She seems so little (maybe that's a girl thing?) and just plain...well... little. Not little as in body size necessarily, but just kind of fragile and innocent and... little. It's hard to imagine she'd be going to kindergarden NEXT fall! Though I know she'd love to mingle with friends at school, as I'm sure she would've for preschool, I am so glad she's going to be home with me for her schooling.

As is tradition, the birthday girl/boy gets to pick the menu for the day. Ellie chose chocolate chip pancakes topped with strawberry sauce with whipped cream and sprinkles... mmmm-mmmm.

If their birthday falls on a weekday, we meet daddy on his lunch break. We usually take a picnic lunch to a park near Paul's work, but in February, there's not much hope for an enjoyable time outdoors. So... we met at Culver's. Ellie picked out a doll in January from a collection that we'd been looking at for a while, and half forgot about it until she opened it today at lunch. She loves her and is entranced by her bouncing, beautiful curls. Her doll's name is Elsie Dinsmore...

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